Practice your Consulting Skills with a mock case
April 30, 2020

Consulting interview has its own special process for recruiting candidates. You can check out my advice for full-scale preparation in this article. You can also check out my step-by-step guide to write a decent cover letter.
This year, I made another attempt to make consulting cases fun! IESE organised a case writing competition hand in hand with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and I obviously submitted a case.
Unfortunately, I was not shortlisted to be part of the official casebook, BUT, I still wanted to make the case available for people who would want to practice a non-usual and a little bit more entertaining case.
Let me know what you think of it! Let’s dig in.
The case
Topic: CyberSecurity, IT consulting, Hacking
Difficulty: Medium
Case Prompt: 404 Society, a cybercrime underground organisation, makes money from hacking companies. It either extorts money from blocking access to computer systems (ransomware) or sells its service for corporate espionage. The leader has come to you to help him grow his business. There
are lots of hacking products and targets available and the group is confused about which sector to focus on and which products to use to grow
the revenues of the business.
I tested a few times and people usually enjoyed solving the case! Let me know what you think and if you managed to solve it 🙂
If you liked that type of consulting, don’t forget to try out my video game: The Nasty Consultant!
Finally, don’t be an easy prey for hackers, use a password manager like Lastpass and make regular backups of your work!

Waïna Landauro is an 2020 IESE MBA. Author of and creator of the business videogame The nasty consultant. Founder of Interview practice platform He’s currently supporting startups at Google Cloud. Talk to digital waina