A student's personal journey at IESE Business School


Category: Career Stuff

Consulting Interview Prep

Introduction The consulting career is one of the most sought opportunities for MBA students. I was part of the crowd that didn’t really consider it, but during the November/December fever, I couldn’t resist applying. The salary, the prestige and the… Continue Reading…

The Ultimate Guide To The Consulting Cover Letter

Introduction I have seen so many students work for hours on their cover letter. I believe that writing a good cover letter is not so difficult, but it can be daunting when one doesn’t know where to start. I wanted… Continue Reading…

Find your summer internship with Linkedin automation

The idea Starting on the first of January, I sent 1511 automated messages to wish a happy new year to my entire list of linkedin contacts. Happy New Year [firstname]! I hope 2019 brings you everything you desire professionally. 2018 has been… Continue Reading…

Arsène Wenger’s Talk

  Mr Arsène Wenger has given us the pleasure to come to talk to the IESE crowd in November 2018. The auditorium was packed with students and academics ready to listen to “Le Professeur”. Mr Wenger quickly took control of… Continue Reading…

Technology trek in London!

As fresh MBA candidate, It’s quite exhausting to deal with all the career management stuff and all the academics. A great opportunity to focus solely on the career stuff is to join the treks. I was working in technology before… Continue Reading…

Safari in Barcelona

For the first time, IESE, ESADE and EADA have decided to organise a safari where the MBA students would visit different famous companies from Barcelona. We didn’t really know what to expect from this special day and there was a… Continue Reading…

Career Assignments Pre-MBA

Before starting the MBA in September we were all given assignments to do. In regards to the curriculum, we had an accounting class and an Excel class, both online. The accounting course is available on coursera and the Excel course thing was… Continue Reading…


The first question I always have for people that attend a school is:  “Why did you choose it above all others?”.  I committed to IESE and I am going to detail the reasons for my choice in a few points… Continue Reading…